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Henry Kissinger received his BA degree summa cum laude Phi Beta Kappa in political science from Harvard College in 1950 where he lived in Adams House and studied under William Yandell Elliott. His senior undergraduate thesis titled The Meaning of History.

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Houston Chronicle Alfreda S Soul Food Next To Bar 5015 Appears To Of Had Its Windows Blown Out From The Explosion In Houston On Friday June 12 2020 Photo By Elizabeth Conley Houston Chronicle Facebook

Vibe Out Alfreda S Still Cooking Up Soul In Third Ward Vibe Houston

Explosion At Third Ward Bar May Have Been Caused By Arson Fire

Vibe Out Alfreda S Still Cooking Up Soul In Third Ward Vibe Houston

Vibe Out Alfreda S Still Cooking Up Soul In Third Ward Vibe Houston

Alfreda S Soul Food Among Winners Of 1m Grant For Small Businesses Vibe Houston

Vibe Out Alfreda S Still Cooking Up Soul In Third Ward Vibe Houston

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